- Discussion:
- two lateral bands arise from the sides of the EDC just proximal to the PIP;
- interossei supplement the lateral bands on both sides of the digit;
- lumbricals supplement lateral bands on radial side of the digit;
- lateral bands travel on either side of proximal phalanx, and continue around the lateral aspect of PIP joints and finally both slips join
together in a triangular aponeurosis to form the extensor tendon to the digital phalanx;
- lateral bands are held in place over the PIP by the transverse retinacular ligament;
- Lateral Band Tightness:
- may be caused by any mass on lateral side of digit (osteophyte, tumor);
- management:
- distal transection of the lateral bands (and their oblique fibers are transected);
- care is taken to preserve the transverse fibers