- See: Alkaline Phosphatase
- Discussion:
- disease of unknown etiology affecting skeleton & adjacent tissues;
- characterized by fever, rirritability, swelling of soft tissues, & cortical bone thickening;
- thickening of jaw & forearm are the most common sites, but occassionally lesion is diffuse;
- mandibular involvement is characteristic;
- in extremities, the ulna is frequently invovled;
- w/ exception of mandible, single bone involvement is suggestive of trauma rather than Caffey's Disease;
- iatrogenic cause:
- may result from intravenous prostaglandins used to treat neonatal congenital heart defects;
- Labs:
- sed rate & serum Alk Phos are often elevated, but cultures and serologic studies fail to show an infectious agent;
- Radiographs:
- reveal perioseal rxn involving any bone except vertbrae & phalanges