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Anterior Sliding Graft for Tibiotalar Arthrodesis

Foot Ankle Int. 1997 Jun;18(6):330-334
Patterson BM, Inglis AE, Moeckel BH


BACKGROUND: The results using the anterior sliding graft technique with rigid internal fixation for tibiotalar arthrodesis were reviewed.
METHODS: The indications for anterior sliding graft technique included posttraumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, pseudarthrosis following prior attempt at arthrodesis, and postinfectious arthrosis.
RESULTS: The arthrodesis rate was 95%. The overall prevalence of complications was 33%.

CONCLUSION: The complications related to this method were minor and easily managed. The authors concluded that the anterior sliding graft technique is performed with readily available resources, has a high rate of union, and avoids the routine use of iliac bone graft.

Copyright © 1997 (Foot Ankle Int. Jun;18(6):330-334) by the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, Inc., originally published in Foot & Ankle International, and reproduced here with permission.