- Discussion:
- converts plasminogen to plasmin, which degrades fibrin and Fibrinogen;
- indications: DVT, PE, arterial thrombosis, or embolism;
- contraindications:
- stroke, intracranial surgery or neoplasm, active bleeding;
- need to monitor CBC, DIC panel, and TCT;
- Dose:
- 250,000 units IV bolus over 30 min, then 100,000 units/hr continuous IV infusion for 24 to 72 hrs;
- to minimize hypersensitively, administer 50 mg Benadryl IV or 100 mg hydrocortisone IV before starting therapy;
- Monitoring therapy:
- TCT 2-4 hrs after starting therapy and then qd;
- a good fibrinolytic response is associatted w/ a TCT two-five x control
- w/ massive bleeding occur during therapy:
- stop SK, transfuse pRBCs
- infuse 5 units of Cryoprecipitate (Fibrinogen) until bleeding stops
- aminocarproic acid 4 gm IV followed by 1 gm/hr IV until bleeding stops