- Discussion:
- necrotizing fascitits is any necrotizing soft tissue infection spreading along fascial planes, with or without overlying cellulitis;
- rapidly progressive inflammation and necrosis of subQ tissues and deep layer of superficial fascia with sparing of deep fascia and muscle;
- also called Meleney ulcer, NF is severe manifestation of lymphangitis that progresses in a frightening manner within a few hours;
- tissue necrosis develops rapidly behind advancing wall of inflammation that limits penetration by antibiotics;
- desquamation followed by gangrene may be relentless;
- clinical findings:
- clinical signs of pain out of proportion to exam coupled with areas of anesthesia (from microvascular and nerve damage)
- hyperyrexia, and chills are severe;
- skin lesions are incised and drained or aspirated to obtain fluid for culture;
- initial findings are localized pain and minimal swelling, often w/ no visible trauma or discoloration of the skin;
- dermal induration and erythema eventually become evident;
- firm, tense, "woody" induration of the subcutaneous tissues;
- eventually the patient has limited range of motion, chills, fever;
- probe open wounds:
- dx is confirmed when a probed can be passed laterally along fascial cleft in a open wound;
- probing edges with a blunt instrument permits ready dissection of the superficial fascia well beyond the wound margins;
- blistering of the epidermis is a late finding;
- hyponatremia and hyperkalemia are ominous findings;
- ref: Necrotizing fasciitis of the extremities: a prospective study
- historical note:
- necrotising fasciitis was originally named by Wilson in 1952: Wilson B. Necrotizing fasciitis. Am Surg 1952; 18:416.
- other previous descriptions include: haemolytic gangrene, acute streptococcal gangrene, gangrenous erysipelas, necrotising
erysipelas, suppurative fasciitis, and hospital gangrene
- ref: Paediatric Surgery: A Comprehensive Text For Africa [Chapter 21]
- gram stain:
- Gram Negative Bacilli: / Gram Negative Cocci: / Gram Positive Bacilli: Gram Positive Bacilli
- bacterial Menu:
- may be caused by single organism - streptococci pyogenes or vibrio, or may be caused by a combination of organisms;
- anaerobic or microaerophilic streptococci are believed to be the usual cause, but these microorganisms are difficult to culture;
- clostridium perfringes :
- ref: Gas Gangrene of a Prosthetic Hip
- staph aureus / MRSA
- ref: Necrotizing fasciitis caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus resulting in death. A report of three cases.
- vibrio (vulnificus):
- typically the patient is exposed to sea water
- course is measured in hours esp in alcoholics and diabetics;
- despite in vitro sensitivity to tetracycline, response to ATB is poor;
- immediate wide excision and amputation may be necessary;
- references:
- Necrotizing Soft-tissue Infections and Sepsis Caused by Vibrio vulnificus Compared with Those Caused by Aeromonas Species.
- Infections caused by halophilic marine Vibrio bacteria.
- streptococci pyogenes infections:
- isolation of group A Streptococcus from a normally sterile body site or 4-fold rise against: streptolysin O, DNase B
- most superficial form is impetigo which affects stratum corneum;
- ecthyma contagiosum describes shallow superficial dermal ulcers caused by a slightly deeper infectios;
- erysipelas is the term for streptococcal dermal cellulitis, often associated with lymphangitis as it spreads along dermal lymphatics;
- cellulitis can spread to the dermal lymphatics as classical lymphangitis, commonly causeced by strep pyogenes;
- necrotizing streptococal infections:
- acute gangrene: at level of fascia, streptococci pyogenes, produces acute gangrene, a form of necrotizing fascitis;
- initially there is rapid onset of marked tissue edema and redness w/ little pain, progressing to local cyanosis & skin blistering;
- lymphangitis and lymphadenopathy are absent;
- soft tissue gas may be uncommon;
- serious systemic disease
- shock (systolic blood pressure <90 mm of Hg)
- respiratory failure, liver failure, renal failure
- treatment is parental penicillin, debridement, and measures to prevent edema;
- before antibiotics were available this was a surgical emergency mandating immediate amputation to
prevent streptococcal septicemia and death;
- w/ a high suspicion that a group-A streptococcus was the pathogen, intravenous immune globulin therapy should be initiated;
- ref: Necrotizing fasciitis with toxic shock syndrome in a child: a case report and review of literature
- Treatment:
- Antibiotic Menu
- IV infusion of aqueous penicillin must be instituted immediately;
- typically ATB is given without response, unless concomitant radical debridement is also performed;
- Radical Surgical Debridement:
- fascial planes are extensively opened and debrided;
- every anecdotal story about necrotizing fascitis seems to involve the retrospective wish on the part of the surgeon that a
much more radical debridement
had be performed;
- fasciotomy / fasciectomy
- single or multiple linear incisions over the affected areas;
- muscle debridement:
- muscle necrosis occurs in patients with strep infections (gangrenous streptococcal myositis) which is similar to
clostridial myonecrosis (gas gangrene) but there is no gas in the tissues;
- ref: Aggressive surgical management of necrotizing fasciitis serves to decrease mortality: a retrospective study.
Necrotizing fasciitis in contused areas.
[Gas gangrene: A discussion of 3 cases and review of the literature.]
Necrotizing Fasciitis of the Extremities.
Necrotizing fasciitis: review of the literature and case report.
All That Is Gas Is Not Gas Gangrene: Mechanical Spread of Gas in the Soft Tissues. A Case Report.
Necrotizing Fasciitis of the Shoulder Following Routine Rotator Cuff Repair. A Case Report
Letter to the Editor. Necrotizing Fasciitis: Clinical Presentation, Microbiology, and Determinants of Mortality
Necrotizing Fasciitis: Clinical Presentation, Microbiology, and Determinants of Mortality
Necrotizing fasciitis of the extremities: 34 cases at a single centre over the past 5 years
Comparison of Necrotizing Fasciitis and Sepsis Caused by Vibrio vulnificus and Staphylococcus aureus
Management of Necrotizing Fasciitis Infections
Clinical Presentations of Soft-Tissue Infections and Surgical Site Infections
Extensive Subcutaneous Emphysema Resembling Necrotizing Fasciitis