- Definition: primary increase HCO3.
- Must distinguish: Compensatory HCO3 incr vs. Primary Resp Acid
- the Resp response to Met. Alk may vary: pCO2 incr approx 0.6 : 1 HCO3. HCO3: 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 pCO2: 40.0 41.2 42.4 43.6 44.8 46.0 47.2 48.4 49.6
* if pCO2 = approx predicted value, then Respiratory Compensation.
* if pCO2 > predicted, then concomitant Resp Acidosis.
* if pCO2 < predicted, then concomitant Resp Alkalosis - Met Alk results in Decr Respiration (incr pCO2) as compensation - Note: Hypoxia will incr Respiration, hence... - may have Tetany esp. w/ hypoCa & may have hypoK
- may have: weakness, QT widening, U waves