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Home » Ortho Related » Medications » Prochlorperazine/Compazine


- for N/V/Agitation/Antiemetic/Antipyschotic;
- Adult: Antiemetic: 5-10 mg PO/IM/IV tid/qid, or 5-10mg deep IM q4-6hr;
- Up to 40mg PO q6hr max; 25 mg PR q6-8 hr;
- Antipyschotic: 10-20 mg IM acutely or 5-10 mg PO tid/qid for maintainance;
- treat extrapyridimal effects with diphenhydramine 25mg in the bag, q6hr;
- Contraindications include: comatose states, bone marrow depression, children <9kg or younger than 2yrs, pediatric surgery;
- Prochlorperazine may mask the underlying disorder causing the nausea and vomiting (e.g. drug overdose, intestinal obstruction);
- Parental administration in patients with impaired cardiovascular system may result in hypotension; must decrease dose in elderly or debilitated patients;
- Note: much larger dose required for antipyschotic effect;
- EPS is common;
- Peds: >10kg: 0.4 mg/kg/24hrs PO in 3-4 DD or 0.1-0.15 mg/kg/dose IM

* Note: w/ patients receiving chemotherapy:
  - has limited use as a single agent, effective in only 15% of patients receiving non cis-platin agents;  Markedly less effective than     cannabinoids, corticosteroids and high dose metclopromide