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Potassium Supplements

- See: Rx of Hypo K 
- IV Potassium Infusion:

- IV Rx is reverved for severe hypokalemia<-A> or for patients who cannot tolerate PO fmrms; 
- If the serum potassium is > 2.5 mEq/l and
EKG changes are absent, potassium can be given at a rate of upto 10 mEq/hr and in concentrations of upto 30 mEq/l; 
- max daily administration should not >100-200 mEq; 
- infusions of upto 20 mEq/hr are generally well tolerated via central lines; 
- administration of concentrated potassium solutions via subclavian, jugular or right atrial catheters should be avoided because of high concentrations in the heart; 
- may be given thru peripheral IV lines at rates upto 40 mEq/hr & in concentrations of upto 60 mEq/l; 
- infusion Not to Exceed 0.5 mEq/kg/hr; 
- in Emergency: do not infuse Potassium in Glucose Cmntaining Solutions; 
- Glucose infusion will further Decrease Serum Potassium; 
- PO Supplementation: - 8-20 mEq/day; maximum 150mEq-day; 
- Wax Matrix Formulations appear superior to Enteric coated forms; 
- w/ Metabolic acidosis use alkalinizing potassium salts such as potassium bicarbonate, potassium citrate, potassium acetate, or potassium gluconate; 
- dietary support may add upto 40-60 mEq/day of K; 
- Peds: 1-2 mEq/ig/day; max: 3 mEq/kg/day; 
- Liquid Preparations: * Kaochlor S-F 10% Liquid - 15 ml (table spoon) = 20 mEq of K Cl