- See: Calcium Supplements:
- Ionotropic Action: for acute Hypotension; (will raise the blood pressure, no matter what the cause of HypoTN)
- comes as 1gm/10 ml in rapid injection syringes;
- 1/4 amp (2.5 ml) for mild hypotension;
- 1/2 amp (5.0 ml) for moderate hypotension;
- full amp (10 ml) for severe hypotension;
- MUST be given via a Central Line;
- Metabolic Derrangements:
- acute hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia, & Ca channel blocker toxicity;
- in emergency: 2-4mg/kg (? 2ml IV) IV slow 2 min push of a 10% solution, repeated in 10 min intervals;
- w/ hypocalcemia, if patient has evidence oflaryngeal stridor or tetany, give same dose over 2 min, as a direct injection;
- Chronic Hypocalemia:
- 1-2 gm PO qd; CaCl=270mg=13.6mEq elemental Ca/gm;
- w/ Ca Gluconate=90mg = 4.5mEq= elemental Ca/gr;
- careful if patient taking Digitalis;
- for symptomatic hypocalcemia in the adult, try 1 gm of Ca gluconate in 20-100 cc of D5W or NS given over 20 min;
- if serum PO4 is normal or low, then: Ca Gluconate 10-20ml (1-2gm) of 10% sol. IV in 100ml of D5W over 30 min;
- begin PO Calcium: 200mg elemental Ca q2hr x 4 doses;
- w/ moderate hypocalcemia after 6hrs, then give Ca gluconate 10ml (1gm) of 10% solution to 500 ml D5W, infused over 6hrs;
- peds:
- acute hyperK, HypoCal: 0.3 ml/kg IV (CaCl 10% or 100 mg/ml);
- re-placement: Gluconate 500 mg/kg/day PO q4-8hrs;
- Cautions:
- note: as with Potassium, Calcium infusions may produce severe tissue necrosis if concentrated solutions infiltrate peripherally;
- Ca may be infused at 0.5 to 0.8 mEq/kg in parental solutions administered peripherally; Higher concentrations may be infused centrally