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Home » Ortho Related » Medications » Dicloxacillin/dynapen


- Adult: 0.5-1gm q 6hr PO or 12.5mg/kg/24hr;
- Dosing Regimens for Patients with Renal Insufficiency:
 (Dose for70kg Adult {gm/ dosing interval in hours})
  CrCl: >80; 0.5/6; CrCl:50-79::0.5/6; CrCl:30-49; 0.5/6; CrCl:10-29: 0.5/6
- 40 % of dose will be excreted in urine (w/ nl R F(x))
- Bad Taste (bad for Chlidren)
- Peds Dose: 25-50 mg/kg/day q 6hr;
- Will interact with Warfarin to Decrease PT;
- w/ osteomyelitis
  Dose IM  time p admin.  Mean Ser conc (ug/ml)    Mean Bone conc (ug/gm)
  50 mg/kg  60-180 min       - - - - -                  6.4
- supplied: 125, 250 mg;

      Oral treatment of less severe infections (e.g., dermal) can be carried out with dicloxacillin or cloxacillin (or cephalexin, erythromycin, or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, if the patient is allergic to penicillin).  Interestingly, dicloxacillin is well absorbed orally and results in blood levels nearly comparable to those resulting from parenterally administered drug;

  - thus,  many stable patients with deep-seated but quiescent disease can be  effectively treated with oral dicloxacillin for the final days (or even weeks) of defined, prolonged course of therapy.