- Discussion:
- it is essential to locate axillary nerve when performing any anterior shoulder reconstruction;
- to facilitate nerve identification, place arm in adduction & in neutral rotation;
- pass a finger along lower aspect of subscapularis, inorder to palpate nerve as it passes medially along subscapularis to palpate axillary nerve coursing inferolaterally;
- volar aspect of the index finger palpates the nerve proximal to the quadrangular space.
- note that external rotation and adduction of the arm moves the nerve away from subscapularis tendon and offers further protection;
- anterior circumflex humeral vessels mark inferior border of subscapularis;
- incise upper 2 cm of pectoralis tendon to better palpate and visualize nerve;
- proximally the nerve courses back to the brachial plexus;
- distally the nerve course to the quadrangular space
The axillary nerve in its relationship to common sports medicine shoulder procedures.
Traumatic brachial plexus injuries in the adult: Retro and inferior clavicular lesions.
Anatomy of the axillary nerve and its relation to inferior capsular shift.