(See: Soft Tissue Menu)
- high grade sarcomas of vascular origin;
- occur most often in middle aged persons;
- when the tumor arises in bone, it frequently extends up and down the bone w/ distinctive pattern of "soap bubble" lesions;
- sub-types:
- hemangioendothelioma - more common in bone than in soft tissue
- hemangiopericytoma - more common in soft tissue than in bone;
Diagnostic Studies
- permeative, invasive nature of lesion is evident on CT & MRI;
- bone scans show marked radioisotope uptake;
- fine neoplastic capillaries course thru background of endothelial cells;
- w/ hemangioendothelioma, pattern is dominated by neoplastic endothelial cells;
- angiosarcomas require either a wide surgical margins + adjuvant XRT;
- radical amputation is also an option