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Parsonage-Turner Syndrome / Neurologic Amyotrophy

- See: 
     - Images in clinical medicine. Neuralgic amyotrophy. 

- Discussion: 
    - brachial plexus / brachial neuritis  
    - acute brachial neuropathy (acute brachial radiculitis, Parsonage-Turner syndrome) is of unknown etiology and appears sporadically but may
            follow immunization, or viral illness;
    - predominant clinical finding is pain, usually limited to the shoulder; 
    - may cause winging of scapula;
    - distribution of weakness is variable;
    - return to athletic activity is determined by clinical return of strength, as EMG may be abnormal up to 7 yrs after dx 
    - consider testing for Lyme disease;
            - ref: Parsonage-Turner syndrome revealing Lyme borreliosis

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Parsonage-Turner syndrome (acute brachial neuritis).  

Brachial neuritis

Expanding the differential of shoulder pain: Parsonage-Turner syndrome.

Neuralgic Amyotrophy (Parsonage Turner Syndrome)