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Sed Rate in THR

- Discussion:
    - General Discussion: Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
    - elevation of sed rate can be a reliable test for diagnosis of infected THR;
    - greater than 85% of pts w/ infection about THR have elevated sed rate & 79 % have a rate of more than 50 mm / hour;
    - in the report by Lachiewicz et al (JBJS 1996), the mean sed rate was 80 mm/hr;
    - screening levels:
            - if 30 to 35 mm is used as a threshold for infection, then the sensitivity rate will range from 61-88% and the specificity rate will range from 96 to 100 %;

- Normal Values:
    - sed rate in pts undergoing an uncomplicated THR reaches maximum of 64 mm / hour on 6 postoperative day;
    - rate averaged 50 mm / hour until 3 weeks after surgery and thereafter slowly decreased to 30 mm hour over course of year;
            - after 3 weeks, sed rate that remains higher than 40 mm / hour suggests that pt has infection until proved otherwise;
    - polymethylmethacrylate does not appear to have significant effect on sed rate, and increase that occurs after uncomplicated THR is related
            to surgical intervention

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate in infection of total hip replacements.

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate following exchange of infected total hips.

Periprosthetic low-grade hip infections. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein in 23 cases.
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate in infected and non-infected total-hip arthroplasties.
Sedimentation rate in infected and uninfected total hip arthroplasty.