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References for Wound Infection / Healing

Assessment of perfusion in postoperative patients using tissue oxygen measurements.

Local heat increases blood flow and oxygen tension in wounds.

Effect of electrocautery on wound healing in midline laparotomy incisions.

Factors affecting the incidence of postoperative wound infection.

Nutritional status: importance in predicting wound-healing after amputation.

Doppler-determined segmental pressures and wound-healing in amputations for vascular disease.

Eradication of Candida burn wound septicemia in massively burned patients.

The role of non-invasive vascular studies in determining levels of amputation.

The relationship between tourniquet pressure and underlying soft-tissue pressure in the thigh.

A study of pressure distributions measured during balanced and unbalanced sitting.

The assessment of skin viability using fluorescein angiography prior to amputation.

Acute renal failure after total hip replacement.

A microbiological in-use comparison of surgical hand-washing agents.

In vitro bacteriological evaluation of the effectiveness of antimicrobial irrigating solutions.

Healing of electrosurgical and scalpel wounds in rabbits.

Quantitative bacterial analysis of comparative wound irrigations.

Wound cleansing by high pressure irrigation.

Wound healing. The effects of topical antimicrobial agents.

Practical technique for quantitating anaerobic bacteria in tissue specimens.

A rapid technic for quantitating wound bacterial count.

Management of soft tissue injury.

Proteolytic enzymes as adjuncts to antimicrobial prophylaxis of contaminated wounds.

Side-effects of topical proteolytic enzyme treatment.

Mechanisms by which proteolytic enzymes prolong the golden period of antibiotic action.

Effect of irrigation and tourniquet application on aminoglycoside antibiotic concentrations in bone.

Evaluation of dressing regimens for prevention of infection with peripheral intravenous catheters. Gauze, a transparent polyurethane dressing, and an iodophor-transparent dressing.

Potentiation of infection by suture closure of dead space.

Direct measurement of wound and tissue oxygen tension in postoperative patients.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in plastic surgery: a review article.

Wound management advice in antebellum America. From The Transylvania Journal of Medicine and the Associated Sciences, 1828-1853.

Original Contributions: Clinical Utility and Cost-Effectiveness of an Air Suspension Bed in the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers.

The safety and effect of topically applied recombinant basic fibroblast growth factor on the healing of chronic pressure sores.

Effect of antiseptics, ultraviolet light and lavage on airborne bacteria in a model wound.

Smoking and wound healing.

Acute effects of cigarette smoking on microcirculation of the thumb.

The efficacy of systemic antibiotics in the treatment of granulating wounds.

Bacterial quantification of open wounds.

Effect of hyperglycemia on survival of bacteria.

Current use of skin and wound cleansers and antiseptics.