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Chondrolysis Following SCFE

- Discussion:
    - rapid, progressive loss of joint space on radiographs and associated loss of clinical hip motion;
    - pins penetration of joint is a leading cause of chondrolysis;
            - penetration by a single screw (which is immediately removed) has a low incidence of chondrolysis;
    - if chondrolysis or AVN develops, early osteoarthritis is more likely;
    - some pts w/ chondrolysis may have partial reappearance of joint cartilage;

- Radiographs:
    - look for a progressive irregularity of subcondral bone;

- Treatment of Chondrolysis:
    - traction for flexion contractures & range of motion exercises;
    - after the initial loss of articular cartilage, there may be a gradual improvement in joint space, and hip movement may improve slightly

Chondrolysis in slipped upper femoral epiphysis. Long-term study of the aetiology and natural history.

Traction reduction of acute and acute-on-chronic slipped capital femoral epiphysis.

Chondrolysis after slipped capital femoral epiphysis.