* Arrhythmia: * Consider Sinus Tach due to CHF/Pain/Anxiety * Rx of Cardiogenic Shock * Syncope * Stroke * Rx CHF / SOB
- may develop in > 50% of pts, many will resolve within 48 hrs;
- this is an acute process, normal heart size, little retention of NaCl/H2O;
- CHF is due to decreased cardiac compliance, hence these pts require higher filling pressures to maintain adequate CO;
- Note: Diuretics will decrease Preload and hence will further decrease CO and worsen Hypotension
- relative hypovolemia may compromise coronary perfusion; * Papillary muscle rupture/insufficiency; * Pericarditis: usually heard within 48hrs, usually disappears in 5 days; * Hypotension * Recurrent Ischemia; * Ventricular asynergy; * Pneumothorax * PE * Ventricular Aneurysm: * Dressler's syndrome; * Hypoxia * Pericarditis