- See:
- Phalangeal Menu:
- Nail Bed Injuries:
- Finger Tip Injuries:
- Mallet Frx
- Discussion:
- fractures of the distal phalanx usually result from crushing injuries that produce significant soft tissue injury;
- in such injuries the primary concern is soft tissue repair;
- when the fractures are comminuted, the fragments are molded into position and splinted;
- these fractures frequently fail to unite;
- chip frxs involving the base of the distal phalanxx must be evaluated for avulsion of insertion of the extensor or flexor tendons;
- there is direct relationship between period of immobilization & final result;
- poor results are obtained in finger frxs immobilizied for more than 3 weeks;
- if finger frx area immobilized for 4 weeks, 60% of pts have significant joint stiffness and loss of hand function
Fractures of the distal phalanges.
Distal interphalangeal joint arthrodesis: an analysis of complications.