- See:
- Ossification of Soft Tissue and Periosteum
- Metastatic Bone Tumors (prostate, thyroid, kidney, breast, lung)
- Hyperparathyroidism
- PTH secreting tumors (lung, kidney, ovary, colon), multiple myeloma
- Vitamin D
- amount of Vit D required to produce HyperCa is > 50,000 U/week;
- Vitamin A
- Ca excess
- Osteoporosis, Immobilization, Milk alkalisyndrome (antacids)
- Paget's dz
- Idiopathic hypercalcemia of infants, Infantile Hypo-phosphatasia,
- Thiazide meds
- Chronic RF
- Sarcoidosis
- 10% of patients may have hyperCa
- 50% will have hyperuricemia;
- Adrenal insufficiency
- Acromegaly
- Estrogens and antiestrogens
- cause hypercalcemia in approximately 30% of patients when used to treat breast cancer, which is metastatic to the skeleton;
- Lithium:
- hypercalcemia may occur with doses greater than 900 mg/day;
- Milk-Alkali Syndrome:
- may occur with large consumption of milk and calcium alkaline salts (usually calcium carbonate);
- Hyperthyroidism
- Bed Rest: (spine injury);
- may cause hypercalciuria