- present in most RA patients (80% of affected pts);
- associated w/ increased morbidity;
- Anti-CCP antibodies: (anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide)
- serological marker that is highly sensitive and specific for dx of early RA
- associated with bone erosions of RA
- Synovial Fluid:
- analysis of synovial fluid is extremely useful in distinguishing early RA from non-inflammatory and infectious arthritides;
- joint fluid from patients w/ RA is sterile & has pleocytosis (usually PMN), incr protein, & decreased viscosity &
decreased complement;
- viscosity: expect decreased viscosity and poor mucin clot formation;
- ESR:
- active RA dz is frequently accompanied by an elevated ESR;
- although sed rate is elevated in majority of patients who have RA, normal rate does not exclude that diagnosis;
- for most pts, this test is good indicator of response to medical therapy and the activity of the disease;